Frustrated and embarrassed by your dog peeing and pooping in your home?

If you have tried everything and nothing has worked for your dog, this course is for you!

We have felt the frustration of a dog staring right at us and peeing on the floor or coming in from outside and running to secretly pee out of sight. It feels personal, it really does. Here's the thing, it is not. Your dog is not mad, not trying to get back at you, dumb, or anything else. Your dog simply had to "go".
Frustrated and embarra

Why is this course different?

  • You will have access to content created by a certified, fear free trainer.

    The Happier Dog Method is based on current best practices, backed by science. We all learn the same, you, me, your dog. We learn by either classical conditioning or operant conditioning.

  • This course includes access to a private Facebook page to support you throughout the process.

    You will experience the comradery of other people working through similar challenges while receiving support from a professional certified trainer.

  • This method has helped hundreds of families who had given up hope of ever having a house trained dog.

    It is not too late. If your dog has been cleared by a veterinarian of any health or age related issues, if you follow the process you will see results.